Keep Illness Away With This 20-Second Activity

Keep illness away with handwashing

Stay healthy and well by simply washing your hands.

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and avoid illness. You might eat a healthier diet, get outside more, hit the gym regularly, or try taking doctor-approved supplements to boost your immune system. While all of these things are wonderful for your body, there is one deceptively simple habit that may be even more effective at keeping you well.

Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly can reduce your chances of illness by half. The most important rule of handwashing is to practice proper protocol as the way you wash and when you wash directly impact how clean your hands will be.

You’re most likely to pick up harmful germs during these activities.

You should wash your hands regularly and whenever they feel like they need to be cleaned, but it’s especially important to wash before:

  • Eating or opening a drink.
  • Cooking or preparing a meal.
  • Caring for someone.
  • Providing first aid.
  • Touching your face or nose.

You should also wash after all of the above activities as well as when:

  • Using the bathroom.
  • Changing a diaper or helping a child use the bathroom.
  • Petting, playing, or feeding a pet.
  • Cleaning high-contact surfaces in your home.
  • Returning home from public or private spaces.
  • Sneezing, blowing your nose, or coughing.
  • Handling garbage or touching trash bins.

When you’re out and about, it’s a good idea to keep hand sanitizer with you or take advantage of sanitizer stations in public spaces. However, hand sanitizer isn’t as effective as handwashing, so be sure to follow up with a proper wash when you can.

Effective handwashing takes less than a minute.

Rubbing sanitizer on your hands can be done quickly, but thorough handwashing as directed by the CDC and other health authorities doesn’t take much more of your time. In total, it can take under a minute to wet, wash, and dry your hands.

You can also avoid illness by remembering these few important guidelines for effective washing include:

  • Wetting and rinsing hands with clean, running water.
  • Always use soap, even if plain soap is all that’s available.
  • Scrub all surfaces of your hands, from wrist to fingertips.
  • Actively lather and scrub for a total of 20 seconds.
  • Either air dry your hands, or use a clean towel or a disposable paper towel.

Your health is our top priority at Valley Dental Clinic.

The team at Valley Dental Clinic values the health and well-being of every one of our patients. In addition to helping you stay healthy with complete dental care services, we also want patients to know that our office meets or exceeds hygiene standards as directed by the CDC. When you visit us for dental care, you can relax knowing our office is as welcoming as it is sanitary. For questions or to schedule a visit with your dentist, give our office a call or send in this online form.