Seasonal Denture Care: Adapting to Weather Changes in Wasilla, Alaska

Denture care tips.

Difficult Winters, Gorgeous and Warm Summers

If you look at the temperatures throughout an entire year here in Wasilla, Alaska, you’ll see that it varies greatly. In December, negative temperatures are expected. In the summer? It’s time to enjoy those sunny days outside! But for new denture wearers—as surprising as it sounds—these weather changes can mean that they have to adjust their denture care for the different seasons.

When you first get your dentures, everything can seem a little overwhelming. Normal activities such as chewing and speaking are suddenly different, and you’ve entered a whole new world of denture care. But don’t panic! With a little practice, you’ll soon be navigating life’s challenges with ease!

Winter Wonderland: Protecting Dentures in Cold Temperatures

When things get cold, it’s not uncommon for them to shrink. Did you know that this is also true for our gums? When this happens, it creates the perfect environment for dentures to become loose, or even fall out.

You need to be extra careful when caring for your dentures in the cold months, as they tend to become fragile. When you go to clean them, put down a fluffy towel, or even fill the sink with a little water to give them a cushion just in case they decide to take a flying leap. When cleaning them, use warm water (not hot!) to bring them back to a less fragile temperature.

On those extra cold days, we all know to cover our faces. That wind can do a number on our skin and can feel like razors on our lungs. But it certainly gets to our dentures as well. Do what you can to protect your mouth from that cold air this winter, and bundle up!

Sometimes accidents happen. If your dentures break, don’t try to fix them on your own. Just give us a call here at Valley Dental Clinic and we will see what we can do to help get your smile back to tip-top shape.

Summer Smiles: Managing Dentures in Warm Weather

Water is one of those things that has a habit of being a superhero, and more than just hydration. Drinking enough water will keep dry mouth at bay! If your mouth doesn’t create enough saliva, it can be difficult for the dentures to suction into place. Being sure you are hydrated this summer will not only help the rest of your body, but it will help whisk away any pesky food particles that could be making it harder for your dentures to adhere properly. So, while you’re thinking of it, go take a sip of that water! Your body will thank you.

Inconsistent saliva production, whether too much or too little, can easily create discomfort. To help, be sure you are using the appropriate adhesives for your dentures. Remember, if you need guidance on what adhesives are best, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist!

Fall into Routine: Fall and Spring Denture Care Practices

Despite the season, it is important to keep those routine check-ups. Not only will your dentist be able to find any problems before they become difficult to handle, but they will be able to professionally clean your dentures. It will also allow you to ask any additional care questions you might have on your mind.

Over time, your gums can change shape. This can interfere with the fit of your dentures, creating discomfort or difficulty keeping them on. Keeping those regular appointments with your dentist will keep you one step ahead of these changes!

As always, soak your dentures overnight as directed by your dentist, and rinse them well before putting them back in your mouth. If you notice a loose fit or any discomfort, give us a call before irritation has a chance to settle in. For a complete list of how to care for your dentures on a day-to-day basis, we have a list just for you!

Year-Round Adventure

With such drastic changes in weather over the course of a year, it can be tricky to change routines. Whether you are dealing with dentures becoming brittle in those particularly cold snaps, or you are having a hard time staying hydrated enough to avoid dry mouth in the summer, having to take care of dentures can feel like an adventure all year round.

When caring for your smile, don’t hesitate to change what isn’t working for your routine. And remember, if you are experiencing discomfort or feel as though your dentures are looser than before, give us a call to get that fit evaluated.