5 Best Remedies for Persistent Migraines

Alternative remedies for migraines

Alternative Remedies for Migraines

People experience headaches differently. For some, it’s a familiar dull pain behind the eyes or a rhythm of throbbing in the temple. Others can only describe them as a hangover gathering strength like an oncoming storm. What all sufferers from migraines can agree on is that the throbbing pain can’t stop any sooner. So if aspirin bounces off your headache like it’s armored, it may be time to consider dental Botox or some other alternative remedies listed below.

1. Dental Botox may reduce migraine frequency and intensity.

Most people think of Botox as an injectable cosmetic treatment responsible for generations of smooth foreheads in Hollywood. But the botulinum toxin can also work wonders on migraines. Botox is a popular way to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines because it contains a chemical that blocks nerve activity in muscles, temporarily stopping pain receptors from activating in the brain. 

That’s how Botox helps people who suffer from migraines. It’s an FDA-approved treatment that can help adults who experience at least 15 migraine attacks a month lasting more than 4 hours. During treatment, you’ll receive Botox injections in the muscles around the face, head, and neck. With dental Botox, many people experience a significant reduction in, or even elimination of, chronic migraine pain.

2. Acupuncture may help relax tense muscles.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to restore the flow of positive energy throughout the body. It involves inserting needles into different pressure points in the body to remove the negative energy causing pain. From a Western medical point of view, what acupuncture actually does is relieve tightness and tension, which, if left untreated, can overstimulate the body’s pain response and sometimes trigger or worsen a migraine attack or headache. 

Acupuncture as an alternative remedy for migraines is particularly useful for people who would like to avoid the use of potentially harmful medications as well as those who don’t get adequate relief from other medicines. While the jury is still out as to the long-term benefits of this approach, it’s still a valuable option for migraine prevention and pain management.  

3. Eating healthy foods and staying hydrated may prevent migraines.

Dehydration and eating too many processed and fatty meals is a common migraine trigger. Skipping meals altogether can also be problematic. When you miss a meal, your blood glucose levels drop and your body releases a hormone that tells your brain you’re hungry. That’s the same hormone that increases blood pressure and tightens blood vessels, causing a headache. 

When you’re trying to prevent migraines, it’s not only what you eat that matters but also when you eat. By adding fresh fruits to your diet, eating regular meals, and staying hydrated, you can prevent hormone imbalances that contribute to headaches and avoid a migraine altogether.

4. Scalp massage may help relieve migraine pain.

Massages are a great way to improve blood flow and alleviate migraine pain. Kneading and rubbing the scalp can help ease headache trigger points, allowing the facial and scalp muscles to relax. If you also suffer from bruxism, a combination of massage therapy and dental appliances can improve tightness and pain and return a full range of motion to the jaw. 

A reduction in muscle tension and stress in the head and scalp area also comes with fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as a noticeably improved mood. One thing to keep in mind about this alternative remedy for migraines is that it doesn’t always work for everyone. Some migraine sufferers are very sensitive to stimuli, and everyday tasks like brushing hair, resting your head on a pillow, or even a massage can prove to be very painful.

5. Yoga may decrease migraine intensity and duration.

Feeling a headache coming on? It may just be the perfect time to unroll your yoga mat. The breathing and meditation techniques learned in yoga are well known for reducing stress and relieving tension in the body, thereby decreasing migraine intensity. Integrate simple stress-busting yoga poses like child pose and standing forward fold into your daily routine to prevent migraine pain before it starts. Or take a short yoga timeout whenever you feel a headache coming on. 

Changes in your migraine intensity won’t happen overnight, but over time, the practice can help reduce their frequency and duration. Talk with your doctor about how you can best incorporate yoga into your routine and keep at it for a few months.

Dr. Rob can help you manage your migraines.

A combination of the methods listed in this article might be best for most people with chronic migraines. However, it’s important not only to treat your symptoms but also find out what causes them in order to get lasting relief from your pain. 

While there is not one, absolute cause of migraines, many headache symptoms are the result of tense muscles in the jaw, temple, and neck area, or from poor bites and jaw joint (TMJ) problems. To see if dental interventions can help you manage migraine pain or prevent it altogether, start by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Rob at our dental practice in Wasilla, Alaska. 

Let’s make today the start of your migraine-free life!