Want to Know How Dental Implants Work? Here It Is

Want to Know How Dental Implants Work? Here It Is

Dental implants are essentially an artificial tooth root. They are the strongest alternative to real teeth, and allow your new teeth to feel, look and function like natural!

There are both removable and permanent options, and when performed by a trained and experienced dentist it is one of the most routine procedures in dentistry.

So, what is a dental implant?

A dental implant is similar to a screw and is placed in the jaw bone where your tooth root would ordinarily be. It then bonds with the natural bone and serves as a foundation to which an artificial tooth can be attached. It is able to bond because it is made of metallic and bone-like ceramic materials. The artificial teeth are called crowns.

Between the implant and the crown is an abutment, a piece that supports the crown and holds it in place. They can also be used to support a bridge, or a whole denture if you need more extensive reconstruction! Each crown is custom made to match your natural teeth in size and color. This way your smile looks unchanged!

There are two types of implant described by the American Academy of Periodontology.

The most common is endosteal, which goes into the bone as we just described. There is also the subperiosteal type, which sits on the bone, and is used in cases where patients are unable to wear traditional dentures and have insufficient bone height for the preferred implant.

For this reason, it’s important to maintain proper hygiene after the replacement. Healthy gums and adequate bone are necessary for supporting the implant. This will require you to brush as though you have real teeth, and to continue regular dental visits.

Why should I get dental implants instead of dentures?

Many people are aware that dentures can come loose, which can lead to slurring or mumbling because people don’t want to risk having their teeth slip. Implants do not have this problem, they are securely fixed to your bone, so they don’t move, and actually become more stable and comfortable as they become fixed to the bone.

Also, because implants don’t affect neighboring teeth they will act just like a normal tooth, with no negative effects on the rest of your mouth!

If you think dental implants may be a good option for you, visit our website to learn more. You can also schedule an appointment today, with one of our experienced dentists!