Crowning Glory: Transformative Effects of Crown Lengthening in Cosmetic Dentistry

Transform your teeth with crown lengthening.

Does your smile seem a bit off? The issue could be the balance between your gums and teeth. Having the right proportions plays an important role in how your smile appears. Even a minor adjustment can make a difference, which is why so many patients are turning to crown lengthening to enjoy stunning, natural smiles.

What is crown lengthening?

The crown is the part of the tooth that extends above the gumline as opposed to the roots below. If you have excessive gum tissue, more of the crown can be obscured, creating an unbalanced or gummy smile. Crown lengthening doesn’t actually make your teeth longer. Instead, the process adjusts gum tissue to let more of the natural crown show.

Crown lengthening is a common cosmetic dentistry procedure where your dentist will carefully adjust the contour of your gumline. This entails removing and re-contouring excess tissue to provide a smooth, even, and proportional gumline contour.

Benefits of Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening provides a variety of unique benefits that other cosmetic dentistry treatments don’t offer. It could be just what you need from your dentist near Anchorage, Alaska, to ensure a beautiful, proportional smile.

Improved Aesthetics

Of course, one of the primary benefits of crown lengthening is the stunning results that the procedure can deliver. When it comes to your gums, even a few millimeters can make a major difference.

The skill and expertise of your cosmetic dentist can provide incredible results with accurate and precise adjustments. You won’t have to worry about a gummy smile any longer, and can grin just as wide as you’d like.

Enhanced Functionality

Crown lengthening also has practical functionality benefits. Excess gum tissue isn’t just an aesthetic issue; it can cause other problems as well. In some cases, excess gum tissue can leave you with sensitive gums that are more prone to infection.

If you have dental restorations, such as a dental crown, bridge, veneers, or dental implants, excess gum tissue can affect the way they fit. Crown lengthening can help ensure a proper fit to provide the best long-term outcome for your restoration.

Gum Health

Excess gum tissue can open the door to a variety of problems. Instead of sitting snugly around the base of the crown, excess tissue can form pockets and gaps. These allow bacteria to thrive, potentially leading to gum disease and infection.

A gumline that closely follows the proper contour of your smile provides less surface for bacteria to grow. This also helps reduce issues, such as sore gums, swelling, and inflammation.

Increased Confidence

If you’ve ever found yourself hiding your smile from the world, crown lengthening could be a solution. Having a proportional smile will leave you more confident in situations of all kinds. The way you see yourself has a major impact on how you feel and act every day. Boosting your confidence with a beautiful, natural smile can make more difference than you realize.

What to expect after the crown lengthening procedure?

While crown lengthening is a relatively straightforward and minimally invasive treatment option, there are still some things you should keep in mind after your treatment. Following these instructions can help ensure a speedy recovery and excellent long-term results.

Recovery Period

The total time it takes until your gums are fully healed depends on your unique situation, but the recovery period can last several months. However, you’ll only need to rest for a few days after your treatment. You can use an ice pack to deal with pain and swelling, and your dentist may recommend medication.

Oral Care Post-Treatment

During recovery, it’s important to keep up with routine oral hygiene to prevent infection. You can brush most of your mouth normally, but avoid direct contact with the affected area. Brush the chewing surface of those teeth, but avoid brushing against the gumline itself. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotic mouthwash to help prevent infection.

Follow-Up Appointments

You’ll have follow-up appointments after your treatment to ensure that your gums are healing properly and no issues arise. These are typically fast and straightforward visits, but they are essential for preventing infection or other complications while you’re healing and for delivering the results you want for your smile.

Get the smile of your dreams from your dentist in Wasilla.

Could crown lengthening be the way you achieve the smile of your dreams? This effective procedure has already helped countless patients enjoy stunning, natural smiles. Valley Dental Clinic is your source for all types of Alaska dental care, and you can find the right treatment for your unique smile. Schedule a consultation today to see whether crown lengthening or other cosmetic dentistry options are right for you.