What Types of Implant Restorations Does Valley Dental Offer?

Implant restoration could be the answer to missing teeth

Do you have missing teeth? If so, you’ve probably been told about dental implant restorations.

One of the most common dental problems that our patients face is missing teeth. Tooth loss can happen for many reasons, such as an injury, gum disease (periodontal disease), or decay – but whatever the reason, an incomplete smile is not a great feeling to have. Luckily, the advancement of cosmetic dentistry has made it possible to replicate the missing tooth in an affordable way. At Valley Dental, we provide care and cosmetic dentistry procedures for those looking at implant restoration options in order to take care of their dental needs.

What are Dental Implant Restorations?

Dental implants are basically a one-for-one replacement of missing teeth, whether or not the tooth was removed surgically or not. The aim is to create a prosthetic tooth that blends seamlessly into your smile and looks natural. Plus you can eat, smile, and floss just as you would with real teeth. 

Implant restorations are a permanent replacement option, so it’s important to have all the information before making a decision.

Advantages of Getting a Dental Implant Restoration

They look and feel just like the real thing

Humans, like most mammals, do not generate a third set of teeth in adulthood. This is why it’s important to take care of the ones we have now. In the case where you do lose a tooth, dental implants are the closest thing to nature’s tooth you can find. What’s more – your oral care provider will help you tailor your new prosthetic according to shape, size, and color. 

You can prevent further tooth loss

The loss of a tooth does not just have an impact on your smile; you are also losing the functionality of a full set of teeth. From chewing to having strong jawbones and maintaining gum health, you are looking at a few aspects that will be impacted from tooth loss. This in turn can cause further tooth loss, which will cost more down the road. Having it quickly restored can mitigate these potential health issues. 

It prevents gum diseases like periodontitis

Gum disease, or periodontitis, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss. This happens when bacteria builds up around the gum and it begins to deteriorate, causing it to be inflamed. Fortunately, this can be treated in the clinic with antibiotics or surgery. Once treated, and if necessary, an implant restoration is performed. Implants provide more stability and ease of cleaning, which prevents further gum decay. 

It stimulates bone growth and prevents bone loss

To place the new implant, the oral surgeon makes a gum incision to expose the bone. The artificial tooth is then fused to the prepared bone on a metal post. The post mimics and serves as the tooth root, which helps stimulate the jawbone and continue growth. The reason this is so important is that the jawbone keeps the rest of your teeth secure, so stimulating jawbone growth means that saving one tooth… saves more than one tooth.

The results are long-lasting

Unlike traditional dentures or a dental bridge, dental implants are a permanent solution to restoring the look and function of your lost tooth. Implants are designed to function as the natural tooth root, called osseointegration, and have a success rate of over 98%. Of course, this is with the help of proper daily dental care and oral hygiene on your part

Type of implant restorations

If you are looking for a dentist in Alaska, we offer three types of implant restorations for our patients. This serves as a general guide to the options we offer, but the best way to tell is through an initial consultation. 

Single implant with a crown

If you’re missing a single tooth or planning to have one extracted, your dentist may suggest a single implant with a crown. The process takes place under local anesthesia, and the oral surgeon first attaches the titanium post to your jawbone. 

After the healing process, which takes place over a few months, the implant, or post, will become a permanent fixture. Based on a scan of your mouth, a dental lab will create a crown for your implant to fit the gap perfectly. The dentist then attaches the crown to your fully healed implant using a dental adhesive. This usually takes place in the lab and requires a few follow-ups to make sure there are no fitting issues.

Implant-supported bridge

Similar to traditional bridges, an implant-supported bridge uses two or more dental crowns to restore a missing row of teeth. The crowns, usually made with porcelain, are attached to the missing row through implants on both sides. However, not every crown is placed on an implant. Instead, the middle teeth are supported by the implants on each end, also known as ‘retainer crowns’. The middle crowns, which are not bound to implants, are known as “pontics” and you can have more than one if needed. 

Implant-supported dentures

Implant-supported dentures are long-term and permanent alternatives to traditional dentures. This is the best option if you’re missing all your teeth in your jaw. Dentures are held in place with a minimum of two implants. Besides giving you a perfect new smile, the implant-supported dentures reinstate your teeth function without the hassle of falling out or getting food trapped underneath, which usually happens with traditional dentures.   

Are you looking for a family dentist in Anchorage, Alaska? We can help. Book a consultation with us today.