5 Advantages of Dental Botox Treatments

Dental botox is more than just cosmetic

Expand your understanding of Botox’s uses.

In recent decades, Botox has become a common treatment — so much so that it has begun to make a regular appearance in jokes and comedy routines. If we’re honest, it’s contributed to some genuinely hilarious comedy! Because of this, however, Botox is most known for its uses in cosmetic treatments, smoothing out fine lines and age-related wrinkles.

While it’s certainly good at this use, Botox can do so much more than that! In fact, it even has uses in dentistry. Dentists have a detailed knowledge of the muscles in your face, so when Botox treatments are administered by a skilled dentist, they can provide multiple benefits for you, including relieving symptoms from conditions like TMJ and improving your appearance.

Here are 5 advantages of using dental Botox treatments at our Alaska family dentistry Wasilla office.

1. Botox has the potential to relieve migraines and headaches.

Botox is a targeted treatment that works by blocking the signals your nerves send to your muscles. This relieves muscle tension by preventing them from contracting, allowing the targeted muscles to relax. Constant muscle tension has a lot of potential causes, including anxiety, and can cause frequent headaches or migraines. Thankfully, relieving this tension can reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines. It may even eliminate them!

Its ability to relieve muscle tension is also why Botox is effective at relieving symptoms of TMJ. When there’s an issue with your temporomandibular joint, the surrounding muscles in your jaw, neck, and shoulders often try to pick up the slack, leading to muscle pain and frequent, sometimes severe, headaches. Targeting and relaxing these muscles can relieve your headaches. This makes Botox a great method for relieving symptoms while you try more long-term dental treatments for TMJ, such as orthodontics or jaw-strengthening exercises. If other treatments aren’t working, Botox can also be used long-term to give you relief from your symptoms.

2. It can relieve persistent clenching and grinding of your teeth.

There’s a wide range of reasons you may clench or grind your teeth, from TMJ or sleep apnea to anxiety. Bruxism can affect you during the day while you’re awake, but you can also clench or grind your teeth in your sleep without even realizing it. Since it forces targeted muscles to relax, Botox can help reduce how much you clench or grind your teeth. This can bring relief from symptoms of bruxism, such as headaches and sore teeth, in addition to protecting your teeth from injury in the long term.

After all, your teeth are strong and designed to last a lifetime, but they’re not indestructible! Your teeth are optimized for chewing and grinding food, but they’re brittle, so clenching or grinding them against each other can chip, crack, or break them. It can also wear them down over time, causing tooth sensitivity and making them look shorter than they should be. You may still want to look into the root cause of your bruxism, such as improving your anxiety or lowering your stress levels, getting orthodontic treatment, or looking into sleep apnea. In the meantime, however, Botox treatments can make a huge difference in protecting your teeth and improving your daily symptoms.

3. Botox can help you adjust to new dentures.

Many people adjust to new dentures relatively easily, but some have trouble with it. Sometimes the muscles of your lips and face need to be retrained to fit around and support your dentures the way they’re meant to — and that’s where Botox comes in! It relaxes the muscles in your lips and face, which helps them fall into place over your dentures more easily and naturally. This gives them time to adjust to their new, relaxed position so it feels natural and easy by the time your Botox treatment has worn off. It’s not always necessary, but when it is, it can quickly help you feel more comfortable.

4. It can improve your smile’s appearance.  

While Botox can certainly improve the symptoms of several different dental issues, its well-known use as a cosmetic treatment extends to cosmetic dental care too! Botox can relax your lips, which can improve the appearance of your smile. Gummy smiles, for example, are a type of smile that shows an above-average percentage of gum tissue, making your gums a prominent feature of your smile. In some cases, your gums may be more prominent than your teeth when you smile. Gummy smiles are sometimes caused by over-retracted lips, but Botox relaxes your lips so they cover more of your gums when you smile, giving your smile a more proportionate appearance.

Botox can also help if you find that you’re often sporting slightly downturned lips without meaning to. After all, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile, so relaxing a few muscles around your lips can help your expression look more relaxed and open, even when you aren’t actively smiling. Dental Botox treatments make relatively easy, simple changes that don’t require any dental procedures, but they can make a surprisingly significant difference in the way you feel about your smile — and that’s the most important part of any cosmetic dental care!

5. Botox can help you look younger.

By relaxing your facial muscles, Botox also smooths out wrinkles and aging lines on your face and around your lips and helps remedy the appearance of puckered chins. Dentists who administer Botox have an especially in-depth knowledge of the muscles in your face and lips, including knowing how they work together to create your beautiful smile. This intimate knowledge of all of the elements that go into your smile allows dentists to provide an even more specialized, targeted approach to Botox, smoothing out the wrinkles and age lines on your face while improving your smile. The result of this expertise in artistic dentistry is a treatment that ensures that the results look and feel natural while producing a noticeable positive difference in your appearance. You’ll look younger and feel more confident, and the added confidence alone can make it worth it for you.

Could Botox help you achieve your smile goals? 

Botox is a well-known cosmetic treatment, but it can do so much more than popular comedy routines imply. It’s extremely effective at helping many people gain more beautiful smiles and a more youthful appearance while relieving symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and bruxism. It can leave you feeling better and more confident than you have in years, allowing you to take on the adventures each new day has to offer with newfound comfort and enthusiasm.

If you’re interested in learning more about dental Botox or artistic dentistry, feel free to contact our office and schedule an appointment with Dr. Rob or Dr. Lyerly at any time!