10 Tooth and Gum Problems Your Dentist Can Fix

There are restoration options for your gum problems

Struggling with cavities, missing teeth, or gum issues?

Your smile is one of the first things people notice, and it’s our job to make sure you have the smile you deserve. Sometimes, however, you may lose an adult tooth and gum problems might arise that require some extra TLC!

Whether you’re struggling with receding gums, cavities, or tooth discoloration, there’s nothing a visit to your dentist can’t fix. All you need to do is sit back, relax, and let your dentist take care of your teeth.

Keep reading to discover 10 common teeth and gum problems your dentist can fix to improve and restore your oral health.

1. Gum Inflammation and Gum Disease

Gum inflammation (also called gingivitis) happens when plaque buildup gets around your teeth and damages the gums. It can cause bleeding, increased sensitivity, and mild pain.

If the gum inflammation isn’t treated, it can develop into a more progressive infection called periodontitis. Periodontitis is a gum disease that affects the soft tissue and, if left untreated, can cause more severe gum issues like pain, bleeding gums, and even tooth loss.

At Valley Dental Clinic, we treat gum disease by removing all the plaque buildup around your teeth and gums. If you have missing teeth as a result of gum disease, we offer high-quality dental implants that’ll help restore your smile and stabilize your jaw.

2. Cavities and Tooth Decay

Cavities are one of the most common teeth problems in both children and adults. In the beginning stages, a cavity may not be painful, but if you don’t go to the dentist to treat it, it’ll lead to tooth decay. This is when it turns into a painful toothache that can be extremely uncomfortable.

At Valley Dental, we treat cavities and tooth decay with the utmost care, making sure you don’t feel any pain while we work on your teeth. We use tooth-colored fillings to make sure your teeth look natural and healthy.

3. Missing Teeth

Whether you have chipped, cracked, or missing teeth, your dentist can help with a partial or full mouth restoration. There are several ways to replace missing teeth, such as veneers, dentures, crowns, inlays and onlays, and dental implants.

At Valley Dental, we use state-of-the-art restorative dentistry materials and technology to make sure all of our patients are happy with their new smiles.

4. Sensitive or Bleeding Gums

Sensitive or bleeding gums are a sign of a dental problem, whether that’s an infection or the onset of gum disease. To prevent further problems, visit your dentist to see what’s causing the bleeding.

Sometimes, the simple solution is to floss more, but in other cases, it may be a sign of a more serious problem that needs treatment right away. At Valley Dental Clinic, we’d love to have you and your family as our patients, so give us a call if you’re looking for an Alaska family dentist in Wasilla.

5. Plaque Buildup

Dental plaque in your oral cavity happens when a layer or film of bacteria and microbes forms around your teeth. Plaque buildup can be a result of improperly brushing your teeth, not flossing, or eating unhealthy foods.

When plaque builds up over time and you don’t remove it regularly, it turns into tartar. This is a yellowish, hardened layer of minerals in your saliva that wraps itself around your teeth and sticks to them. The more it builds up, the harder it is to remove and it can enter even the tiniest spaces between your teeth.

This can lead to a variety of dental problems, including gum disease, tooth loss, and infections. Luckily, at Valley Dental Clinic, we can easily and painlessly treat and remove plaque and tartar, and improve your smile in no time.

6. Jaw Pain and Clicking

If your jaw is clicking or is painful when you chew, this can be a sign of a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. The TMJ is the joint that connects your upper and lower jaw. If you feel constant pain and find it hard to open and close your jaw properly, it’s time to see your dentist.

In most cases, TMJ disorders are a result of a jaw injury, bruxism (teeth grinding), arthritis, or genetics. Call your dentist to schedule a checkup so they can do a dental X-ray and diagnose the problem.

7. Cracked or Missing Tooth Fillings

Cracked, chipped, or missing tooth fillings can be a problem if you don’t replace them as it can lead to infections, gum problems, and toothaches. With the help of restorative dentistry, your dentist will replace old fillings with new ones that’ll look and feel just like your natural teeth.

8. Frequent Dry Mouth

When the salivary glands don’t produce enough saliva, you may experience a dry mouth. For most people, this problem is temporary, but if you frequently have a dry mouth, it can cause difficulty chewing and swallowing, as well as infections. Book an appointment to talk to your dentist about treatments and solutions.

9. Internal or External Tooth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration happens as a result of various internal and external factors. If you have dental restorations like crowns or implants, these can become discolored as well.

External discoloration is a result of drinking coffee or red wine, smoking, poor dental hygiene, and eating food that stains the teeth. Internal discoloration can be a result of cavities, gum disease, genetics, and taking certain medications.

Your dentist can fix discoloration in several different ways, the most common of which is teeth whitening, teeth polishing, or veneers. Depending on the results you want, achieving a whiter tooth color can take a few treatments.

10. Denture or Crown Problems

If you have problems with your dentures, crowns, or dental implants, don’t wait—schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately. They’ll check to see where the issue is and suggest the next steps in the treatment.

For example, you may have gum inflammation from your dentures or a cracked crown that’s causing pain and discomfort, so make sure you fix the problem before it gets worse.

Valley Dental Clinic is here for all your tooth and gum problems.

Taking care of your oral health and flossing regularly can help you reduce the risk of tooth and gum problems. But if you do experience pain, cavities, or issues with your gums, don’t hesitate to schedule a checkup with your dentist. Book your appointment with us today and make Valley Dental Clinic your family’s dental home. We’re here for all your oral health needs to give you a healthy, bright smile.