Bioclear: A Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Solution for a Beautiful Smile

Reasons to choose Bioclear.

Easily achieve a perfect smile with Bioclear. 

Bioclear is a minimally invasive dental treatment that uses an advanced method to repair cavities and cosmetic concerns. It is a permanent, stain-resistant restoration that your dentist in Wasilla can use to fill gaps and close spaces between teeth. And though its similarities to dental veneers are notable, Bioclear retains more natural tooth structure than its counterpart. 

As it is considered a suitable alternative to traditional veneers in correcting some oral health conditions, there has been a rising interest in Bioclear among practices focusing on cosmetic dentistry near Anchorage, Alaska. Learning more about the process will give patients an alternative to veneers and provide another reliable option to address their dental health concerns. 

What is the Bioclear matrix system? 

Bioclear is a unique dental bonding treatment created by Dr. David Clark in 2007. Since then, many dentists have discovered the benefits this innovative approach provides. 

Using a Bioclear matrix involves wrapping a tooth-shaped plastic form around the affected tooth. The form acts as a template through which the dentist injects a flowable heated composite around the tooth. The material restores and covers any damaged or discolored areas of the teeth. 

Bioclear can correct multiple cosmetic imperfections, such as: 

  • Stains
  • Discoloration
  • Chips, breaks, and wear
  • Decay
  • Gaps
  • Asymmetry

Bioclear is more durable and cost-effective than many other cosmetic dental options, and it is easier to repair any chips in the initial restoration as it ages. Your dentist can add to the composite to restore your tooth’s brilliant shine, and this treatment is much more stain-resistant than traditional composite bonding. 

Why Dentists Love Bioclear Dental Restorations 

Even the best dentist in Wasilla must reduce the tooth structure to some degree when preparing teeth for crowns or veneers. This reduction is necessary to provide space so that the restorations fit correctly, but it doesn’t come without risk of nerve irritation within the teeth. 

In contrast, most of the natural tooth structure remains intact when using Bioclear to address the same concerns. As a result, there is minimal risk of nerve damage, less post-op sensitivity, and incredibly stunning results.

This treatment is also remarkably versatile, able to treat dental concerns affecting both front and back teeth. It’s also a great alternative to inlays and onlays that require more tooth preparation.

As the Bioclear resin hardens, it leaves no gaps behind. This means there are no hiding places left for bacteria to attack the tooth and cause additional decay. This treatment doesn’t require an adhesive, either, unlike traditional crowns, whose glue degrades over time and can leave the tooth susceptible to recurrent decay. 

Additionally, while porcelain restorations are fairly rigid, Bioclear can flex along with the teeth as you chew. It will not expand or contract, either, as it adapts to temperature changes to prevent the restoration from failing.

Lastly, unlike traditional composite bonding, Bioclear lasts an average of 10 years or more with proper care. And it is far more affordable than other more invasive forms of cosmetic treatment, making it well worth the investment for many patients.  

Restoring Your Smile With a Single Visit 

Cosmetic treatments such as crowns and veneers require multiple trips to the dentist’s office. Your dentist takes X-rays (radiographs) and impressions during the first visit to create the restoration, and it can take several weeks before you can receive the final restoration. 

With Bioclear, though, your dentist can place, shape, and polish the resin all in the same visit. The appointment takes about an hour, but you’ll have immediate, natural-looking results, and your dentist will adjust the material as needed to ensure it looks and feels perfect. 

Patients describe these treatments as pain-free, straightforward smile transformations that let them leave the office grinning from ear to ear.  

Bioclear is the perfect addition to a smile makeover.  

A smile makeover can alter your appearance and boost your confidence. This unique plan consists of several cosmetic treatments to achieve the desired result. So while you can rejuvenate your smile using solutions like dental implants and crowns, innovative solutions like Bioclear are great additions to give you beautiful, long-lasting, results. Your bite naturally changes over time, but this treatment can restore numerous aspects, including the vertical dimension of your smile, to give a more youthful aesthetic. 

Alaska Family Dentistry in Wasilla

Although Bioclear can resolve many dental issues, it’s not the perfect solution. It cannot replace missing teeth, fill extensive spaces, or address significantly misaligned teeth. Still, as long as you have healthy gums and adequate tooth structure, you likely stand to benefit from this cost-saving cosmetic approach. Valley Dental Clinic proudly offers this treatment and other practical cosmetic dental options to patients throughout Wasilla. Contact our office today to learn more about Bioclear or schedule an evaluation.