3 Ways to Decide If You Should Go for Bioclear or Tooth Whitening

Bioclear or tooth whitening

As we age, our teeth naturally lose their luster and may become discolored, leaving us self-conscious about our smiles. However, effective solutions are available to restore the brightness and confidence we once had. Bioclear and tooth whitening are two fantastic approaches offered by Valley Dental Clinic that can help us reclaim our radiant smiles. Whether you’re considering Bioclear or tooth whitening, this blog will explore three essential factors when deciding which option is best for you.

What causes tooth discoloration?

To understand which option is best for achieving a brighter smile, it’s important to first consider the main causes of tooth discoloration. According to the Cleveland Clinic, tooth discoloration can result from various factors, including:

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains are often caused by consuming foods and beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, cola, berries, and certain spices. Tobacco use, whether through smoking or chewing, can also lead to stubborn stains on teeth. Poor oral hygiene practices, including inadequate brushing and flossing, can also result in plaque buildup and staining.

Intrinsic Stains

Tooth discoloration can also occur due to intrinsic factors. Aging is a common cause, as enamel’s natural wear and tear over time reveals the yellowish dentin underneath. Trauma to a tooth can lead to darkening or a grayish hue. Additionally, certain medications, such as tetracycline, taken during tooth development, can cause intrinsic stains.

Other Factors

Genetics play a role in tooth discoloration, as some individuals may naturally have darker or more translucent enamel. Fluorosis is another factor that can cause tooth discoloration, occurring when excessive fluoride intake occurs during tooth development, resulting in white or brown spots on the teeth.

Bioclear or tooth whitening? What’s best for you?

If your teeth are discolored for any of the above-mentioned reasons, it might initially seem like tooth whitening is the appropriate solution. However, it’s important to note that tooth whitening primarily addresses the color of the teeth and may not be effective for other dental concerns. If your teeth are chipped, slightly crooked, or misshapen and discolored, tooth whitening alone won’t solve those problems.

In such cases, a treatment like Bioclear may be a more suitable option, which can address both the discoloration and the structural issues of chipped teeth. Let’s bite into the options in further detail.

When to Choose Tooth Whitening 

Tooth whitening can be an excellent choice when it comes to tooth discoloration caused by extrinsic factors such as food, beverages, and tobacco use. At Valley Dental Clinic, Dr. Robinson offers professional whitening services to help you eliminate unsightly stains and restore your smile’s youthful luminosity. Using a prescription strength whitening gel, Dr. Robinson can provide a customized treatment plan to achieve dramatic results within approximately two weeks, all from the comfort of your home. With professional teeth whitening, you can confidently regain a brighter, more vibrant smile.

When to Choose Bioclear 

Bioclear is an ideal choice for individuals looking to address a range of dental concerns and improve the appearance of their teeth. It is particularly beneficial for those who have chipped teeth, black triangles at the gum line (which create the appearance of gaps), hairline cracks, uneven or misshapen teeth, or have experienced trauma to their teeth. Additionally, if you have intrinsic tooth discoloration, Bioclear can help restore the natural beauty of your smile.

Bioclear is a tooth-colored composite material that combines the advantages of veneers and bonding. Unlike traditional veneers, Bioclear does not require the removal of enamel, making it a more conservative option. It also offers a single-visit process, where the material is molded around the tooth, providing comprehensive coverage. This innovative technique creates a strong shield that enhances aesthetics and helps protect against tooth decay.

Compared to bonding, Bioclear composite is remarkably durable, longer lasting, and resistant to staining. It provides a more robust solution for tooth restoration while maintaining a natural appearance.

When to Choose Bonding

Dental bonding involves the skillful application of a composite resin material to the external surfaces of your teeth. This procedure effectively addresses minor dental imperfections like small chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth. Moreover, dental bonding can also enhance the brightness of teeth that exhibit moderate staining or discoloration, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

In some instances, bonding may be a preferable option over Bioclear. Bonding is a suitable choice for individuals with minor dental imperfections, such as small chips or gaps between teeth, looking for a more cost-effective solution. Like Bioclear, bonding can also be completed in a single visit, making it a convenient option for those seeking immediate results. Additionally, bonding allows for a conservative approach as it requires minimal alteration of the natural tooth structure.

Valley Dental Clinic can help make your teeth like new with tooth whitening, Bioclear, or bonding.

Deciding on the right cosmetic procedure to brighten your smile isn’t one to take lightly. So if you need a smile makeover and want to whiten your teeth or cover some imperfections, request an appointment with Valley Dental Clinic. We’ll help you explore the best solution, whether Bioclear or tooth whitening, bonding, or otherwise. See why we’re the best dentist in Wasilla today.